Fab Five: MaryAnn Rosko


Each newsletter, we will be featuring one or two of NYCON's staff so that you can put a face to a name and get to know a little bit more about your friends at NYCON by asking them FIVE, FABULOUS questions.  In this newsletter we are featuring NYCON Accountant, Mary Ann Rosko.


Mary Ann!  Thank you for taking time to let our NYCON membership get to know you a little better.  How long have you been at NYCON and what is your current position? 

My pleasure, I began my carrer with NYCON in May of 2016, so just about two years.  I hold the title of NYCON Accountant.

What's been your favorite part of working at NYCON?

My favorite part(s) of working at NYCON? I would say that it is the wonderful people that I work with and get to see every day, the work that NYCON does is important and meaningful, the benefits of nonprofit work extend further than compensation, medical benefits, etc – as they allow individuals to live with purpose, execute their jobs with passion and give back to the surrounding community and I also enjoy being a Camp Counselor for Camp Finance ( a 2 day retreat which NYCON hosts) every year (this will be my third year) at the beautiful Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, NY.  If you have never been to the Mohonk Mountain House, you need to go there! Everything about Mohonk Mountain house is wonderful!

What 3 things do you HAVE to have on your desk?

  1. Speakers – I love listening to music. It helps me focus and maintain my upbeat attitude
  2. My plants – They remind me of the outdoors, they are nice to look at and to take care of and also, to watch them grow
  3. Ice Coffee – I ♥ ice coffee and enjoy one just about  everyday (one of my sisters is to blame – she got me hooked on ice coffee)


What are a few of your hobbies or things you enjoy doing outside of work?

I enjoy hiking outdoors (or as some people refer it to as “forest bathing”). I have hiked 14 of the 46 mountains above 4,ooo feet in the Adirondacks. I love stepping onto a trail and feeling exhilarated. It’s an adventure that is ever-changing, different each time you step onto the path. It’s beautiful! Sometimes we take for granted what the earth provides us, though every time I hike, I’m reminded of the natural beauties and phenomena tucked away in the mountains…

I enjoy learning and cooking Ukrainian traditional dishes with my mom. Tradition is beautiful! I also enjoy spending time with my family and friends.

So the one question that everyone is getting asked, what is your favorite TV show or movie?

My favorite TV show is, “The Flash”. Cisco is my favorite character. He is awesome!

And some of my favorite movies are: Stand By Me, The Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, and Back To The Future