Southern Tier Capacity Building Program Mini-Grant Criteria 2022

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The capacity-building grant program is intended to measurably improve the governance and management operations of qualifying 501(c) 3 nonprofits that are located or provide a substantial amount of services in Broome, Chenango, Delaware and/or Tioga Counties.

Broome, Chenango, Delaware and Tioga Capacity Building Mini-Grant Program 2022

Co-sponsored by New York Council of Nonprofits, United Way of Broome County, The Stewart W. and Willma C. Hoyt Foundation, Inc., The Community Foundation for South Central New York, Conrad and Virginia Klee Foundation

Purpose of Grants
The capacity-building grant program is intended to measurably improve the governance and management operations of qualifying 501(c) 3 nonprofits that are located or provide a substantial amount of services in Broome, Chenango, Delaware and/or Tioga Counties.

Amount Limits
The individual grant award limits are as follows:
Ø  Up to $2,000 for general governance and management assistance
Ø  Up to $3,000 for merger, consolidation or subsidiary development and for crisis management intervention services
Ø  Up to $500 in scholarships for participation at qualified capacity building conferences, as submitted for approval.

Applicant and Project Eligibility
Ø  To be eligible, applicants must be 501(c)3 organizations that are located in or provide a substantial service to residents/visitors of Broome, Chenango, Delaware and/or Tioga Counties.
Ø  A Board Member must have attended two Southern Tier Capacity Building Program trainings in 2022.
Ø  Proposed project consultants must be qualified and available at a reasonable cost.
Ø  Priority consideration will be given to first-time applicants.
Ø  Projects must improve the governance, management and/or program service capacity of the applicant.

 Examples of types of eligible projects include, but are not limited to, the following:
ü  Board development/training
ü  Strategic planning
ü  Financial management (fiscal policy development, internal control review, software conversion, etc.)
ü  Legal assistance (including incorporation/application for tax-exemption, bylaw development review, personnel policy development or review, contract reviews, merger, consolidation plan development, etc.)
ü  Organizational assessment
ü  Employee compensation analysis
ü  Personnel evaluation (including Executive Director)
ü  Program evaluation
ü  Merger/consolidation/strategic alliance exploration or facilitation
ü  Employee team-building
ü  Fund development planning
ü  Marketing plan development
ü  Camp Finance training
ü  Being a Successful Executive Director training (for New Executive Directors)

Grant funding is limited and applications will be accepted until all funds are allocated. Grants will be awarded competitively to qualifying nonprofits with approved project activities. Priority will be given to those organizations and projects that demonstrate one or more of the following:
Ø  Applicant has an annual budget of under $2 million
Ø  First-time Mini-Grant applicant
Ø  The capacity building benefits of the project to the organization are clearly articulated, measurable, and the need is demonstrated
Ø  Applicant’s board and management is committed to maximizing the benefits of the assistance
Ø  Requested service would not be provided if the grant was not secured
Ø  Nonprofit financially participates (if it has the capacity to do so)

Ineligible Project Expenses
The following activities are not eligible for the mini-grant program:
Ø  Scholarship requests for professional development to the same training beyond 2 years
Ø  Grant research and writing
Ø  Capital or hardware purchases
Ø  Capital planning, engineering plans, etc.
Ø  Software purchases that are not directly related to improving financial management capacity
Ø  Reimbursement for employee time spent on the project
Ø  Consultancies or training that are already in progress
Ø  The implementation of fundraising activities or plans, including paying a fundraiser to solicit dollars

Application Deadlines
Grants will be awarded on a rolling basis. A final report will be due upon completion of project.

Proposal Submission
Proposals are to be completed online here.

For Further Information
Email Susan Weinrich at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .